目擊者 Who Killed Cock Robin



「 Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow,With my bow and arrow,I killed Cock Robin.

Who saw him die? I, said the Fly.
With my little eye, I saw him die......」





李淳演得很好!看到他的當下覺得這個人民保母讓我無法信賴他找他報案= =,看到他的臉讓我只想報警吧......(看完電影就知道這是稱讚意味)



Who killed led Cock Robin?

Who killed Cock Robin?                  誰殺了知更鳥?

I, said the Sparrow,                         是我,麻雀說,
With my bow and arrow,                 用我的弓和箭,
I killed Cock Robin.                         我殺了知更鳥。

Who saw him die?                          誰看到他死?

I, said the Fly.                                 是我,蒼蠅說,
With my little eye,                           用我的小眼睛,
I saw him die.                                 我看到他死。

Who caught his blood?                   誰取走他的血?

I, said the Fish,                               是我,魚說,
With my little dish,                          用我的小碟子,
I caught his blood.                          我取走他的血。

Who'll make his shroud?                誰來做壽衣?

I , said the Beetle,                          是我,甲蟲說,
With my thread and needle,           用我的針和線,
I'll make the shroud.                       我將為他做壽衣。

Who'll dig his grave?                      誰來挖墳墓?

I, said the Owl,                               是我,貓頭鷹說,
With my pick and shovel,               用我的鑿子和鏟子,
I'll dig his grave.                             我將為他挖墳墓。

Who'll be the person?                    誰來當牧師?

I, said the Rook,                            是我,烏鴉說,
With my little book,                        用我的小本子,
I'll be the person.                           我將為他當牧師。

Who'll be the clerk?                       誰來當執事?

I, said the Lark,                              是我,雲雀說,
If it's not in the dark,                      如果不是在暗處,
I'll be the clerk.                              我將當執事。

Who'll carry the link?                     誰拿火炬來?

I, said the Linnet,                          是我,紅雀說,
I'll fetch it in a minute,                   我將拿它片刻。
I'll carry the link.                            我將拿火炬來。

Who'll be chief mourner?              誰來當主祭?

I, said the Dove,                           是我,鴿子說,
I mourn for my love,                     為吾愛哀悼,
I'll be chief mourner.                     我將當主祭。

Who'll carry the coffin?                 誰來抬棺?

I, said the Kite,                             是我,鳶說,
If it's not through the night,          若不經過夜晚,
I'll carry the coffin.                       我將抬棺。

Who'll bear the pall?                    誰來扶棺?
We, said the Wren,                      是我們,鷦鷯說,
Both the cock and the hen,          還有公雞和母雞,
We'll bear the pall.                       我們將扶棺。

Who'll sing a psalm?                   誰來唱讚美詩?

I, said the Thrush,                       是我,畫眉說,
As she sat on a bush,                 當她埋入灌木叢中,
I'll sing a psalm.                          我將唱讚美詩。

Who'll toll the bell?                      誰來敲喪鐘?

I, said the Bull,Because I can pull,   是我,牛說,因為我可以拉鐘。

So Cock Robin, farewell.             所以,再會了,知更鳥。

All the birds of the air Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,   空中所有的鳥 都悲嘆哭泣,

When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin.   當喪鐘 為那可憐的知更鳥響起。

NOTICE                                       啟事

To all it concerns,This notice apprises,       關係人請注意,下回小鳥審判,

The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.      受審者為麻雀。

